12 March 2025
2024/04/16 - 11:05 View: 371

Embassy’s Press Release on Iran strike on Zionist regime

Embassy’s Press Release on Iran defensive measure against Zionist regime

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bangkok

Press Release

Iran’s exercise of inherent right to self-defense as outlined in Article 51 of the UN Charter in response to the Israeli regime’s recurring military aggressions, particularly its armed attack on 1 April 2024 against Iranian diplomatic premises in the Syrian Arab Republic


  • After six consecutive months of self-restraint and strategic patience in confrontation with tensions, blind terrors and atrocities of the Zionist regime against Iran, the proportionate and appropriate military measure by the Islamic Republic of Iran against some military bases in the occupied Palestine compatible with the inherent right of self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and in response to the Israeli armed attack against diplomatic premises of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Republic, which led to the martyrdom of seven Iranian senior military advisors who were there by the formal invitation of the Syrian Government to assist Syria in the fight against ISIS and other terrorist groups yet present in Syria, was launched on 13 April 2024.  
  • The Israeli recurring aggressions resulting in the martyrdom of the Iranian military advisors present in Syria, in particular the 1 April 2024 armed attack against diplomatic premises of the Islamic Republic of Iran, were in blatant violation of the UN Charter and international conventions in particular the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1973 New York Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, and were confronted with immediate reaction and condemnation by a large number of countries and international organizations.
  • After armed attack to our embassy in Damascus, a set of diplomatic and international actions, including a letter to the UN Secretary General and President of the UN Security Council, were taken and an emergency session of the SC was requested as the consequences of the widespread condemnation of such Israeli aggression by a majority of the international community and a considerable number of regional and international organizations.
  • However, regrettably, the actions of a limited number of the Security Council members including the US, UK and France were not proportionate to such a violation of the international law by the Zionist regime of Israel and they were against a condemnation statement by the UN Security Council. Therefore, the council failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security.
  • Such double standards and supportive approaches towards the Zionist regime have no legal justification, and naturally, allow the Israeli regime to continue its carnages against the defenseless Palestinian people and its reckless and wild actions in the region, which result in the spillover of regional war and conflict.
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran, while reiterating its commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and International Law, reaffirms its unwavering determination to defend its people, sovereignty, territorial integrity, national security and interests against any illegal use of force.
  • Resorting to defensive measures in implementing its right of legitimate defense by the Islamic Republic of Iran signifies its responsible approach towards peace and regional and international security in a time of continued illegal and genocidal actions of the apartheid and occupying Zionist regime against the Palestinian nation, its ongoing aggressions against neighboring countries and its warmongering policies in the region and beyond.
  • The military action of the Islamic Republic of Iran after six consecutive self- restraint and strategic patience was merely to deter the repetition of unlawful and terrorist acts of the Zionist regime against its people. Such a defensive military action was smart, objective-oriented and precise to prevent instability and insecurity in the region and did not target civilians or civilian infrastructures.  
  •    The Islamic Republic of Iran has continuously in its formal positions and diplomatic interaction announced that it does not seek escalation or conflict in the region and has proven its position in deeds through responsible self-restraint. At the same time, self-restraint is not forever; because its continuity has resulted in miscalculations by Zionist regime of Israel.
  • Of course, the root cause of the continuing conflict in West Asia is the aggressions, brutality, and genocide of civilians, in particular women and children, in Gaza by the Zionist regime, and the key to de-escalate this conflict is the immediate halt of this hybrid war and atrocities of the regime against the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. The international bodies such as the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have called for redressing the situation.
  • In regard to the inherent and legitimate right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to respond to the criminal actions of the Zionist regime in Damascus, we do not seek the expansion of the scope of war in the region, and expect the other countries in their actions to do the same to prevent the escalation of the conflict through halting the Zionists’ killing machine against the defenseless Palestinian people and stopping the violation and defiance of international regulations by the Israeli regime. Western supporters of the Israeli regime, notably the US, should, instead of simply taking side with the regime, act decisively to prevent its atrocities.
  • Therefore, if the aggressor regime of Israel and its Western allies resort to new irrational and adventurous actions against Iran, the defensive response of the Islamic Republic of Iran will undoubtedly be decisive. Then, the Israeli regime and its allies shall bear the responsibility for the consequences of such probable dangerous acts.
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to take further necessary defensive measures to protect its legitimate national security and interests against any act of military aggression or unlawful use of force. The expansion of the scope of the conflict, war and insecurity is not in the interest of anyone; therefore, to refrain from such a regional dangerous situation and to end the massacre in Gaza, it is imperative to halt the atrocities of the Zionist regime.
  • The Zionist regime has an infamous long record of aggression, occupation, belligerence, terrorism in all its forms and manifestation, other international crimes against humanity and unlawful use of force against Iranian citizens and diplomatic premises. Its brutality is a serious threat and danger to international peace and security.
  • Due to the inefficiency of the United Nation and Security Council to hold this rogue regime accountable to comply with the international law, the Islamic Republic of Iran had no choice but to resort to its inherent right of self-defense in response to the atrocities of the Zionist regime.      
  • Immediately after resorting to its defensive measures in the exercise of its right of self- defense against the armed attack and aggression of the Zionist regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran sent a clear message to the US government through the Swiss Embassy in Tehran as the Interests Section of the US in Iran. The message specified that the response of Iran could have been more severe, but due to the precarious circumstances of the region and to prevent escalation, the response was decided to be at the lowest level.
  • The main objective was to punish the Zionist regime and to prevent the repetition of such atrocities and illegal actions. In the event of any further offensive actions against the Islamic Republic of Iran or armed attack against our country, we will not hesitate to forcefully defend and act in response. Therefore, if the US is genuinely favoring the tranquility of the region, it should prevent the Zionist regime from further escalation. It is completely clear to us that the Zionist regime is deeply pursuing to involve the US in an expanded and protracted war in the region. Therefore, we recommend the US not to fall into the trap by such a dangerous strategy.
  • The measure taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran was merely a lower level of the right to retaliate to the wide range of the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime. The mediations and diplomatic interactions resulted in maximum self-restraint and proportional military response.
  • The step taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran is deemed as concluded; but, if the Zionist regime continue further military provocation, the response to any such aggressions will be more vigorous and decisive in accordance with the International Law.
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